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Per Bottle: $13.99
Per case of 6: $83.94
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Producer: Bruton
Production Area: Lucca, Italy
Type: Beer
Alcohol: 5.5%


BRUTON DI BRUTON: golden ale - English style summer ale - IBU 25 - EBC 6.     This for us, is simply THE beer. The one that you like to drink at any time, that which slakes your thirst and which is never sufficient! We have chosen to give it the name of our brewery because it is our symbol product.  Awards: Slow Food guida della birre 2017 (birra slow); Slow Food guida della birre 2019 (birra quotidiana);Barcelona Beer Challenge 2018 (bronze); World Beer Cup 2018 (bronze)    


Light Golden, Clear beer with a low alcohol content


Light body and delicate aromas recall the flowery and herbal scents typical of the noble varieties of German and continental hops, with a touch of American varieties, making this a pleasantly sessionable beer.


Brùton is a fresh, fruity beer, very enjoyable to drink. It is good as a starter and with delicate courses.

Cellaring Potential

2 years

Food Matching

Marries well to all the menu, particularly entrees, white meats, salamis or simply to be enjoyed by itself.


The water we use is very soft and therefore poor in minerals, a characteristic which gives purity and elegance to our beers. The malt and hops are imported directly from producing countries such as Belgium, Germany and the U.K. where years of brewing tradition guarantee a very high quality. We do not however ignore our own home grown ingredients choosing, where possible, local produce for certain beers, as, for example, in the use of IGP spelt from the Garfagnana region. All our beers are produced using high fermentation (only one using low fermentation) techniques, they are neither pasteurized nor filtered and enjoy a second fermentation in the bottle.